Meet Beryl Young.

The heart and soul behind Be Young Creative. Professional photographer, writer, educator, marketer, coach, mom, friend, and living proof that little sparks of creative self-care can absolutely change your life.

  • I started my career journey in the early 2000s as an elementary school teacher.
    A role where I poured my light and my energy into keeping students excited about learning.
    However, my own light dimmed with the unexpected loss of our first daughter in 2009 when I was 20 weeks pregnant.
    It was a camera and creativity that guided me through capturing the darkness of grief and rediscovering my own light.
    This transformation inspired me to create Illuminate, my first online course, supporting grieving moms in capturing a visual legacy.
  • The Momtography brand grew out of my grief and was my first small business venture.
    It was born after the birth of my now teenager as I was navigating the challenges of being a new mom, working full-time as an elementary school educator, and dreaming of breaking free from the traditional job scene.
    Passionate about photography and writing, I’d head to the local coffee shop while my daughter was napping to turn my popular local Momtography photography class into an online offering.
    One that would serve a wider audience and help more women like me.

Juggling my roles, I found creative energy fueled my productivity and gave me a deeper sense of purpose.

  • After completing and successfully launching my Momtography online photography course into the world, I took the leap, quit my teaching job, and unintentionally became an entrepreneur.
    Momtography became a space for women to confidently and meaningfully capture life’s fleeting moments, sparking a stronger identity beyond motherhood.
    This was when I truly discovered photography can be self-care not only for myself but for other women feeling stuck in their day-to-day lives. I was featured in online publications, blogs, and news outlets to share the power transformative of creativity.
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  • When 2020 brought forward a mental health crisis for our family, I was prompted to step away from my business, and reset.
    I put the Momtography business aside and ultimately transitioned back to full time work as a webinar producer and marketer for an educational company in the accounting profession.
    However, my camera and my creativity remained a constant guiding light through this time.
    I brought Be Young Creative into the world in 2022 to reignite that spark of creative self-care for both myself and others.

Using my SPARK Framework, I’m showing women both personally and professionally how to seek curiosity, prioritize connection, adjust commitments, and regulate capacity, in order to kickstart confidence.

  • While both my creative and business life have evolved over the last 13 years, today I bring my passion for photography and writing together with my professional skills in education and marketing.
    Here at Be Young Creative we’re building a community of like-minded women and professionals who want to use creativity as a simple act of self-care.
    Because when take time to get curious about ourselves and our lives, the doors of possibility and productivity burst wide open.
    I’m looking forward to connecting with you to spark your creativity and ultimately, help you live a personal and professional life you truly love.